6x multi-part Western Arnyaran Rhyflers armed with SMGs and Heavy Rifles.
Separate heads and arms for posing.
Playtest Arnyara rules: http://www.rhyfler.com/files/CoRWArnyaraAndAber.pdf
Traditionally members of the Nodd Ffae merchant clans have worn brightly colored smocks and festive hats as they traveled Alwyd. On the eve of the invasion stamped steel helmets were handed out and civilian smocks were traded for leather trimmed wool. Very little traditional military webbing or other gear is in use with the exception of a mass produced shoulder bag for
rations and ammunition. Everything else in a Nodd Ffae rhyfler’s kit consists of civilian knapsacks, pouches and various other gear. Many items were deemed non-essential for secret production or would have drawn too much attention if purchased abroad in bulk. Most rhyflers are never far from their lumbering homes and have no need to carry their possessions into battle on their backs.
A red or purple sash is often tied around the helmet both because the one-size-fits-all stamped helmet is in general too large and as a symbol of Arnyara That Was and Will Be.
Due to the clandestine nature of the lead-up to their invasion, the mass production of Western Arnyaran munitions and engines of war was undertaken in secret.
The MAR Pattern submachine gun is a select-fire, open bolt design with a stamped receiver and utilizes either a 30 round or 10 round magazine. The MAR is the most reliable of the Pattern weapons in the Arnyaran arsenal. It is supplemented with the KEEGY Pattern heavy rifle, a 20mm semi-automatic weapon.