28mm Crusader Standard Bearer and Squirrel Handler. Some Pykpyk squirrels too!
Milwer Shoro Oraan, Pykpyk Handler
Colour Yawdryl Baero Ollijits
Dearest Mother,
I arrived safely to my unit this morning, along with the other replacement ffos-kis, and was immediately met by two of the enlisted quar assigned to the company command. They are doughty quar, and I believe you would be at peace to know they watch over us. Milwer Shoro attends to his scurry of little pykpyks with the diligence of a farmer to his prize beetles, and he is much loved by the common soldiers. Nothing escapes the diligent eye of our Colour Yawdryl, and he attended to the evening inspection with an eye to detail that did credit to his profession. If these two quar be the measure of our company, then I am in as safe hands as may exist in Alwyd these days.
–Private letter, is-Caerten Dymloo Snyk