After battle tea and tobacco!
8 3d printed arms to modify your Coftyran Plastics!
4 different arms mirrored for right/left.
Physical prints, not STL files! (You can get STL files on My Mini Factory)
FROM: Sylwedl Bolu mir Trebizon, Officer Commanding, 11th Ad Hoc Composite Squadron (Trebforce)
TO: Chief Assistant Commissariat Officer Nur mir Hurmb, The Western Reaches Command
Nurmy old kit,
I trust this communique finds you well. Things are coming along splendidly here, though the cadiers buck something fierce – I daresay I shall be feeling my last tumble for some time. The kits they’ve sent me are a fine lot, all from good families even (a shock in these degenerate times, sad to say), set the proper tone, and have lots of fire in their bellies.
But listen Nurmy, there’s one thing that simply won’t do, and which has left us all out of sorts: the tea and cigars are a DISGRACE. I’m sorry to put it so bluntly, but I’m afraid I shall have to write to my sister’s father-in-law about this mess, you can’t expect fellows to fight if you give them this stuff. The cigars are so thin as to be cigarillos, and I could swear the one I attempted to smoke was stuffed with sawdust. Now I know this might all be well enough for the enlisted quar, and perhaps they don’t know any better, but Nurmy! These are all officer candidates, and THEY DO!
I’m sure it isn’t your fault, dear fellow, and I know you have a FRIGHTFUL lot to deal with right now, with the Arnyarans and those giant houses they roll around in, but like I said, this won’t do. It cannot stand, Nurmy! Now, do you remember when we played cards last, and you lost all that money and I said “Nurmy, Nurmy, what’s money between friends?” I’m sure you do. I meant it, of course, but now I’m calling in a favor. In lieu of the five hundred you don’t owe me, I need you to go to Burbleson’s the next time you’re on leave in Cloen, and I want you to spend no less than three hundred on Burbleson’s Special Variety cigars, and then go next door to old Pellagig’s tea shop, and you get me another hundred’s worth of tea leaves, LOOSE not bagged, for Lawgiver’s sake, and you get those out to me however you can, even if you have to come and “personally inspect” our positions or some rot. This is imperative, Nurmy.
Snout up old fellow,
P.S. In the event you feel unable to discharge this request for an old friend, I shall have no choice but to send the IOU you foolishly insisted on writing me to your aunt Mylla. You know how she feels about a quar who spends her money without her say-so. And while in his cups.